Alexloop Hampack System

PY1AHD ALEX the ALEXLOOP Portable Magnetic Loop creator working on his home factory.

Alexloop Hampack System Winner of the Master Builder Fest 2018

AlexLoop HamPack design has been inspired by one of my homebrew QRP radios.

This project was the winner of the Master Builder Fest 2018 for the famous BitX 40

AlexLoop Hampack Oficcial Video

AlexLoop Hampack System

AlexLoop Hampack System

Shown is the new AlexLoop tuner used in the HamPack. The spacing between the “tick” marks on the dial is proportional to each ham band covered by the antenna.

New AlexLoop tuner HamPackNew AlexLoop tuner HamPack

HamPack Dimensions in centimeters - 42 cms X 34 cms X 26 cm

AlexLoop Hampack System

Transceiver pouch: 30 cms at the widest X 17 cms in depth
(this largest measure is at the widest point.).

 Transceiver pouch depth: from 11 cms to 7 cms.

 Accessories pouch: 30 cms X 15 cms X 13 can deep. 

Any commercial QRP transceiver will fit in the pouch - even the YAESU FT 818.

AlexLoop Hampack System

AlexLoop Hampack System

The HamPack provides the best solution for a simple and perfect Portable Magnetic Loop tuning utilizing a reduction system associated with a large diameter knob that makes the AlexLoop tuning very smooth. A very clear and precise scale is shown with a indicator pointer that will let you know exactly where you are tuned. The ham bands are shown within “tick” marks having a distance between ticks, or thickness, that is proportional to each Ham band covered.

AlexLoop Hampack System

The built in AlexTune will make the LED shine according the best tuning point. This is an exclusive required patent innovation that will make the AlexLoop even easier to be tuned. It greatly simplifies tuning in the field.

The AlexLoop HamPack Portable Magnetic Loop Antenna.
QST Magazine Review on October 2023

AlexLoop HamPack antenna Specifications:
Frequency Coverage: From 7 MHz to 30 MHz
Maximum Power: 25 Watts SSB; 10 Watts AM / FM / CW / Digital Modes.

Alexandre Grimberg

e-mail: py1ahd@ig.com.br